Team Crocodile Tackles The MS150 2009

Spirits were high at the morning of October, 5th as the team of seventeen riders set off from Cherry Hill for the 77 mile ride to Ocean City. The weather was cool… but dry.

The riders were all decked out sleek, Crocodile cycling jerseys which prompted other cyclists to ask; “What the heck is Crocodile”? Crocodile wanna-be’s I guess (we do have the coolest looking jerseys).

Adversity struck the team early with two flat tires and one broken spoke, but they plugged forward relentlessly. No further challenges occurred until the 50 mile mark when the team encountered a cold, pelting rain for about 30 minutes. But they had to keep riding.

Still the Crocs plugged forward dreaming of cold beer and seafood at the end of the long, hard ride.

Finally around 3pm the team arrived at their destination wet and exhausted. They ate cold pierogies, cheese curls, lemonade, Turkey Hill Ice cream and Hatfield Franks and went to their hotel to get ready for dinner.

The Crocs ate dinner at the Crab Trap in Somers Point. Kevin, Wendy, Kurt and Adam had 2lb lobsters. Kevin had his first martini!!! Off to bed by 1100—noone  got out of control.

Up early the next day—foggy and cool. The ride back to Cherry Hill is more hilly, plus there is the fatigue factor. By mile 50 the weather had turned brilliant sunshine and it was getting hot. Worse yet, the Crocs were now facing a severe headwind coming from the west blowing right into their faces making each pedal stroke sheer agony.

Things got very quiet and the Crocs all wore tight-lipped faces etched with grim determination. Still they pedaled forward.

Finally the finish line. Eureka!! We earned $7,911.99 for the fight against MS. Thanks for all your support with special thanks to our captain and GM Erinn Corry.

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